Emma began coming to RKY Camp in 2006 as a ten-year-old camper. She has just finished her sixth year on staff as the Program Director. RKY Camp and its community have taught Emma everything from portaging a canoe to body positivity to public speaking, and hundreds of things in between. She believes that camp is a place of learning and teaching, with no risk of failing or being judged, which helps to foster a deep bond between campers and staff of all ages.
Emma believes that camp has been as special for her as it is, throughout her entire tenure at camp, because of the consistency of the "Quality 8" -- the eight tenants that RKY values and lives by. These quality 8 are: RKY Camp is fun, RKY Camp is safe, RKY Camp is a place of friendships, RKY Camp is a place of belonging, RKY Camp campers learn and are challenged, RKY Camp treasures the natural world, RKY Camp meets campers' personal life needs, and RKY Camp is a place to return to. Because of the fostering of these tenets, many RKY alumni, including Emma, have a deep passion for teaching, for the natural world, and for helping others.
