RKY wouldn't be where we are today without our donors!
RKY Camp is a charitable, not-for-profit organization committed to providing summer camp and outdoor experiences to all youth regardless of their financial circumstances.
Thanks to the generous contributions of families, service organizations, alumni, businesses, and philanthropists, RKY Camp is able to revitalize our facilities and provide financial assistance to families in need, and deliver a growing number of programs to more children and youth from across the region.
Your Donation Counts!
To use your credit card, please call our camp office at 613–546–2647 ext 236.
Cheques can also be mailed or dropped off at our year-round office location.
To donate online through CanadaHelps, click on the link below.
There are three giving options; 1) the RKY Camp Revitalization Project Capital Campaign, 2) Campership Donations, and 3) General Donations.
All donations are greatly appreciated and will make a difference in the lives of young people in our communities!
How we recognize our Donors & Supporters
The names of all of our special BACK TO CAMP donors over $500 will be placed on our uniquely designed donor wall located in the new "Homestead" Dining Hall. To be unveiled in Spring 2022.
100K for Camp Club
Join the club! We have created a special club of 100 members who have made a donation of $1000 each to help RKY reach a goal of $100,000.
Timber to Table
​For a donation of $5,000 or more, the name of the donor will also be placed on our new and specially designed dining hall tables. Limited to just 23, these tables will be crafted locally by Westwood Rustic Living from the trees removed from the dining hall construction site.
Special Recognition To
​Thank You:
​Homestead Land Holdings
Britton Smith Foundation
Jim & Maryln Stewart Family Fund
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Gov of Canada - Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF)
The Dunin Foundation
William James Henderson Foundation
Anna & Edward C. Churchill Foundation
Don and Judy Heath
The Morris Family
100 Men Who Care Kingston
Community Foundation for Kingston & Area
Pan Chancho Bakery
WHIT Kingston Clothing
Gift Funds Canada
100K for Camp Club
Thank You:
David Crane
Graeme Martin
Eric Bogstad
Don Heath
Herman's Auto
Doug and Mary Ritter
Jack Burkom
Bud Burkom
Kelly Howse
Jeffrey Morris
Sally and Bill Morris
Susan Pearce/Campbell Pearce
Forsyth Family
Janet Smith
Bill Allen
WHIT Kingston
Zoe Yanovsky
D'Arcy Munn/Christie Pettingill
The Walker Family
Robin Squires
Mark Blackett
The Langlois Family
Barbara Spanton
Kyle Heath
Martin Blostien
Mary Catteral
Jennifer Evans
Atkinson Home Hardware
Fort Glass
Sandy Cameron
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Nancy Simpson
Eagle Lake Property Owners Association
Timber to Table
​Thank You:
Kingston Rotary Club
YMCA of Eastern Ontario
Kiwanis Club of Kingston
Mary and Dave Kloosterman
Don and Judy Heath
Trailhead Kingston
Bill Allen and Family
Irving Dardick
Kinsmen Club of Kingston (in memory of Bill Allen)
Stella Couban (Mellon Family)
Ron and Susan Southward
The Estate of Larry Gibson
Gift Funds Canada
A big thank you to our RKY Camp Families, Friends and Supporters.
We couldn't do it without you!